丁未壹圆大清银币是天津户部造币总厂铸于光绪三十三年(1907年)的产品,图案相当精美,尤其正面外缘的水波纹,造型别致,独辟蹊径。 丁未壹圆大清银币问世之前,适逢一场激烈的“两、元”之争,守旧派主张铸造以一两为货币单位的银元光绪元宝银币壹圆成交价格表!商税贸易往来,其理由是已往商税贸易往来都以银两为结算单位,应因循古制;但革新派主张以七钱二分为货币单位的银元,理由是与外国银元同量同值光绪银币一两丁未重量,便于交往,而且当时以元相计在全国各地已经成为习惯。这两种货币单位之争,相持时间很长,清政府翻来覆去地变更决定。此枚大清银币丁未壹圆简介:此枚银币正面中央珠圈内镌汉文“大清银币”,文字较小,珠圈外上端镌满文“大清银币”,满文两侧各镌一个六花星。左右两侧分镌是年的干支纪年“丁未”二字,稍下侧各镌一个六花瓣的花朵。下端镌汉字币值“壹圆”。正面边缘镌有精美细致的水波纹图案。银币背面中央珠圈内镌龙图,珠圈外上端镌汉字“光绪年造”,环镌英文“TAI-CHING-TI-KUO COIN,”光绪银币一两丁未重量,中文意思为“大清帝国银币”。
该币是清光绪三十三年 1907年,由天津度支部造币总厂铸造。是清代的标准银币之一,但仅属试铸,留传于世的很少,据资料记载仅铸400枚,是清末银币中的罕见品,具有较高的收藏价值。
In the Qing , since the 15th year of (1889), Zhang , of and , set up a money in to self cast , and all suit。 In view of this, the Qing moved to unify the 。 In 1903, the of the of (the of ) to set up a " mint of the of of the Qing " in (the Mint built in the 26th year of was by the of the eight ) to mint 。
In the past, five kinds of coins with the words " of " with " " were tried, which were into one, two, one and five cents, To the court。 Since then, coins of and and coins of " " of the Mint have been 。 In the first year of , in order to sort out the yuan , the Du zaze and asked the court to unify the 。
Ding Wei one yuan Qing coin is a cast in the 33rd year of (1907) by Hubu mint。 The is quite , the water on the outer edge of the front, which is and 。 the of Ding Wei's one yuan Qing coin, it with a "two yuan" and "Yuan"。 The yuan with one or two as the unit。 The is that in the past, and tax trade took as the unit and the ; , the the into two parts of seven coins, on the that it was the same and value as , which was for , and it had a habit to in yuan terms all over the at that time。
The the two units a long time, and the Qing its over and over。 Brief of this coin Ding Weiyi yuan: in the bead on the front of this coin is with " coin of Qing " in , the text is small, the upper end of the bead is with " coin of Qing " in , and a six star is on both sides of the 。 The left and right sides are with the word "Ding Wei", and the lower side is with a with six 。
The lower end is with the value "one yuan"。 The front edge is with and water 。 On the back of the coin, a is in the bead , the "made in " is on the upper end of the bead , the word "tai-ching-ti-kuo coin," which means " coin of the Qing " in 。 The coin was by Du Mint in 1907, the 33rd year of of the Qing 。
It is one of the coins of the Qing , but it is only a trial , and few of them are down to the world。 to data , only 400 coins were cast。 It is a rare in the coins of the late Qing and has high value。